This is a serial interface E-Ink display module, 4.3inch, 800×600 resolution, with embedded font libraries, ultra low power consumption.
You don’t have to know anything about the complex underlying details of e-Paper, nor the specific algorithms of displaying graphics, texts, and images. All it needs is the serial interface, and all it matters is your creativity.
Easy to use, displays any contents via one serial interface, including geometric graphics, texts, and images
Embedded font libraries, supports 32, 48 and 64 dot matrix GBK Chinese fonts and English fonts
Built-in 128MB NandFlash, allows the font/image data to be stored in either an external TF card or the internal NandFlash
4 grey level displaying, 800×600 resolution
Adjustable serial interface baud rate, 115200 by default when power up
Powered from 3.3V to 5V, compatible with logic level
Ultra low power consumption, sleeping current lower than 5mA
Comes with host computer software, control it directly on your computer